Hi there, my name is Dolly Daydream. I'm a 6 year old wooden doll that loves to dream big! I live in a colourful world filled with endless possibilities and I believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I love to explore new hobbies and adventure with my best friend Buttons the cat. Together we try out new activities from baking cookies to singing and dancing.
I believe that everyone has the power to live their dream and to be brave! I want to inspire everyone to be confident, curious and to embrace every moment in their lives. Some come along and join us on our journey, Let's explore the world together and make our dreams come true!
I was assigned the responsibility of developing a doll-type character that would appeal to young children aged 1-8 for a line of 10 birthday cards. The company requested that the target audience for the new design be primarily girls, replacing an existing pink-themed design. While I took this directive into account, I also exercised my creative freedom and sought to make the Dolly brand more inclusive for all ages and genders. While pink is often associated with young girls, I, myself, was not drawn to stereotypical "pink things" when I was younger. Thus, I developed Dolly Daydream as a neutral character that embodies values that can inspire any child, such as embracing individuality, displaying courage, living in the moment, and pursuing happiness with confidence.
Attached on the right are the original sketches for Dolly, among which the top row comprises potential styles for her. Each of them has its own unique features. In conceptualizing Dolly, I envisioned her as an outdoor and adventurous character, which is evident in a few of the earlier sketches. However, I ultimately chose her design because it reflects the attire that a real child might select for their doll. Dolly Daydream wears denim dungarees with a striped t-shirt underneath, complemented by a bright yellow bow to tie the outfit together. As a doll who enjoys sports, I believed it was essential for Dolly to sport a pair of sneakers as part of her standard attire to showcase her athleticism. Her hat is a hybrid of a sun hat and a bucket hat, adorned with a floral patch, fluffy pompoms around the brim, and a button.
Once I finalized Dolly's design, I aimed to incorporate an additional character to accompany her on her escapades. The inclusion of a little teal cat named Buttons was a perfect fit, as he could engage in silly or mischievous behavior in each scene, akin to typical feline antics. Several sketches on the right include Buttons as part of the scene.

It was imperative for the Dolly brand to have distinctive typography that would effectively represent its identity. To fulfill this need, I crafted a header font for unalterable static images, and a body font suitable for text blocks and personalized applications.

Presented here are the preliminary original poses exclusively designed for Dolly, intended for integration across a series of ten birthday cards targeting children. The final card configurations shall be included upon their completion.